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Real Estate Video


Real estate videos are one of the most important marketing tools in real estate. Social media services like Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok are crucial


Video marketing is the single most practical use for your marketing time and energy.

And people find video helpful in making shopping and buying decisions every day.


Buyers exposed to narrated full-motion videos generally react more positively to the

homes featured in them, and perceive the homes as having higher value.


Nothing creates an emotional connection with potential buyers like video.

And you want them to feel that. Remember, 'emotion' makes them act, 'logic' makes them stop and think.


Search engines gives priority to web sites that feature video.

According to Forrester Research, it is 50x easier to achieve a page 1 ranking on Google with a video.


By simply mentioning the word 'video' in an email subject line, click-through rates were increased

by seven to 13 percent, according to the 2012 Experian Digital Marketing Trend Report.


Each day, over 100 Million Americans watch online video, an increase of 43% since 2010.

And the average time spent watching videos doubled on mobile phones and tripled on tablets in the past year.

  • Tell a deep and compelling story to a global audience

  • Create a sense of excitement and emotional connection

  • Pre-qualify a larger pool of potential buyers

  • Show how rooms and spaces flow together

  • Highlight unique details often lost in photography

  • Increase your potential to sell faster and for a better price


Media offers plenty of options for those seeking that extra bit of help to get their home from listed to sold. Our services vary from baseline packages to full-featured campaigns designed to get your listing in front of the right people. Here’s how we can get you to the finish line and a signed stack of closing documents. 

Media offers plenty of options for those seeking that extra bit of help to get their home from listed to sold. Our services vary from baseline packages to full-featured campaigns designed to get your listing in front of the right people. Here’s how we can get you to the finish line and a signed stack of closing documents. 


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